A few days ago I got to ask the notorious Jimmy Da Saint a few questions about his self, ICH, and Urban Celebrity! This Hood celebriy is no stranger to this life of music, fashion and art! He has and will always be one of the GoTo men in the city! If you dont know who he is, now you do!!
Q: What are you know for?
A: Writing books, managing artist, an euntopuenour, and reppin my city!!
Q:Alot of people really dont know how deep into this music thing you are!Like a few years ago, you had something to do with some known philly artists! Can you name them and tell me what your role was with them?
A: "Well those artist are Oschino, Sparks, E-Ness, and Black Key. I was their manager. I Oshcino and Sparks manager, I got them signed with Roca Fella. And E-Ness was affiliated with me when he first started. I was dealing with a lot of people and alot of things, then I got locked up!"
Q:If you dont mind me askin, what happened with that?
A: "I sold drugs to an undercover F.B.I agent, got ten years and went to federal prison!"
Q:But that didnt keep you down, because you came home and made some crazy noise! Like you got Books and Magizines out! Could you tell me something about those?
A: "I released a magizine last year called "Urban Celebrity", and I put my man (The Real) Rick Ross on the cover. While I was in prison I wrote over 30 books and became the first immmate to get a publishing deal while incarcerated! Now Im the #1 urban author int the country."
Q: Can you name some of the artist that your working with now, and what their doing?
A: "Well My I.C.H Team (Inner City Hustlers), and the youngest of the team....Young Savage, Izzie Farreal, ImTuFF (producer),HH Spady. I'll be dealing with Freeway soon! Hes coming out with a book and I got parts in that!"
Q: Well I read the first "Urban Celebrity" that came out and I thought it was pretty dope, but can you tell me what your expectations are with the next issue?
A: The first issue old out in 2 months. Fell back for a while and came back with some more polished people such as C.E.O Que, Tacey Tillman, and The Philly It Girls! Igot a lot of really good people working to make this pop! Its Gotta POP!"
Q: Now Philly is known as a place were people dont really support what you do. How do you feel about that!
A: "Well....... I dont have that problem! They support you when your making powerful moves! I put myself in a positions to be respected, and ehen you put yourself in that position people dont have a choice but to respected and wanna be on board. Its best to be a part of in the beging, cause Im getting places and you won't be there in the end!"
Q: In the next ten years... where do you see yourself, ICH, and Urban Celebrity Being?
A: "I see my self as he next Russel Simmons, ICH will be the next NWA, and Urban Celebrity will be the next XXL!"
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