So, I'm still kinda new to this music thing! But in a little bit of time, I've had the pleasure of meeting so many influential people that had something to do with the music of my time!
And with that being said, Melvin Carter aka Rugged Ness is and will always be a necessity for any artist that wants to get any where in Philadelphia! I had a chance to buss it up with Rugg and see what made and makes him the man that he is today.
I found out in a short amount of time that I really knew nothing about this man who I have had the honor of working with, talking to, and learning from. I asked him "What got you into music?"
He responded with a story about when he was young and visiting his aunts house in New York. And how him and his cousin would sneak outside and watch the older men gather between the buildings to spit their rhymes. Talking to me with an assuring tone expressing to me he was no young bull, he said "I didn't know what was going on. I didn't even know to like it!" That was a shock to me! I thought him being who he was that that was where he started out, but I was in for a hell of ride!
Rugg started out DJing at the age of 12 with his older friend Ernest who was a local DJ in Mount Airy! He started to build his name around the city when he moved to Logan and started to do house parties. And it was there that he meet Mad Drama and started to work on his music!
Around 88'-89 Rugg's friend Emay (a locol tagger) started EMAY Records and Rugg and Drama signed with him! Putting out 2 solo singles "Big Boys" & "For Real", Rugg started to make some real noise! Coming up and out with some pretty dope artist such as R.A.M Squad, I Ty Ruffian, The Roots, Shock Nation, and Bum Rush.... Rugg stood out and ventuerd off into other parts of music!
As one of the owners of "Platinum Bound Records", Rugg was the man behind the music of a majority of Philly artist such as Major Figgas, Freeway, Peedi Crack, RAM Squad, and etc! Promoting that Philly sound was embedded into him! But it was with Philly Native Eve that put Rugg into a nother line of work. After years of working with Eve before she became that person in the spot light.... After she blew up she did not forget what he had done for her! So when she started her sitcom "Eve" she called Rugg and offered him a job as her sound man, so he picked his family and moved to California leaving behind Platinum Bound to persue another part of his musical career!
After the show was canceled, Rugg return to the place that he had started, but starting a New life which lead to the opening of "BatCave Studios". And for everyone who has been in the dark for the past 10 years..... BatCave Studios is one of the most know studios in Philadelphia! The Home to damn near anybody thats doing something with music in the city. Rugg, P Funk, and Biz Porter are the names behind Meek Mills, Ape Gang, Black Dinero, Mont Brown, and others! Now a radio station, Record Company, and Studio... BatCave definatley is a name that rings bells!
Rugg Keep rockin my man!!! You are one of the reasons that we keep believing!!!

And with that being said, Melvin Carter aka Rugged Ness is and will always be a necessity for any artist that wants to get any where in Philadelphia! I had a chance to buss it up with Rugg and see what made and makes him the man that he is today.
I found out in a short amount of time that I really knew nothing about this man who I have had the honor of working with, talking to, and learning from. I asked him "What got you into music?"
He responded with a story about when he was young and visiting his aunts house in New York. And how him and his cousin would sneak outside and watch the older men gather between the buildings to spit their rhymes. Talking to me with an assuring tone expressing to me he was no young bull, he said "I didn't know what was going on. I didn't even know to like it!" That was a shock to me! I thought him being who he was that that was where he started out, but I was in for a hell of ride!
Rugg started out DJing at the age of 12 with his older friend Ernest who was a local DJ in Mount Airy! He started to build his name around the city when he moved to Logan and started to do house parties. And it was there that he meet Mad Drama and started to work on his music!
Around 88'-89 Rugg's friend Emay (a locol tagger) started EMAY Records and Rugg and Drama signed with him! Putting out 2 solo singles "Big Boys" & "For Real", Rugg started to make some real noise! Coming up and out with some pretty dope artist such as R.A.M Squad, I Ty Ruffian, The Roots, Shock Nation, and Bum Rush.... Rugg stood out and ventuerd off into other parts of music!
As one of the owners of "Platinum Bound Records", Rugg was the man behind the music of a majority of Philly artist such as Major Figgas, Freeway, Peedi Crack, RAM Squad, and etc! Promoting that Philly sound was embedded into him! But it was with Philly Native Eve that put Rugg into a nother line of work. After years of working with Eve before she became that person in the spot light.... After she blew up she did not forget what he had done for her! So when she started her sitcom "Eve" she called Rugg and offered him a job as her sound man, so he picked his family and moved to California leaving behind Platinum Bound to persue another part of his musical career!
After the show was canceled, Rugg return to the place that he had started, but starting a New life which lead to the opening of "BatCave Studios". And for everyone who has been in the dark for the past 10 years..... BatCave Studios is one of the most know studios in Philadelphia! The Home to damn near anybody thats doing something with music in the city. Rugg, P Funk, and Biz Porter are the names behind Meek Mills, Ape Gang, Black Dinero, Mont Brown, and others! Now a radio station, Record Company, and Studio... BatCave definatley is a name that rings bells!
Rugg Keep rockin my man!!! You are one of the reasons that we keep believing!!!
Yeah no doubt. He is a very important part of PHiladelphia! Shout out to Ruth.Psp!!